* SAT CONSTRUCTION offers a free consulting service to anyone individual or business who is interested in installing a plant photovoltaic. For this service SAT KONSTRUKSION has decided on at your disposal a competent engineer who will calculate the plant most suitable for you or your business
* Financial Consulting A photovoltaic plant should have a maximum return on investment fast. It depends on the price of the energy you pay .SAT CONSTRUCTION provides you with a detailed analiznancial analysis of your investment and helps you make the right investment.


* SAT KONSTRUKSION has formed a professional working group of composed of experienced electricians and installers who are trained in assembling metal structures and installing panels photovoltaics.
* Configurations An important part of the project is the system configuration according to the appropriate parameters. The engineers of SAT CONSTRUCTION are certified for this service by the largest inverter manufacturing companies.
* Guarantee for your system SAT CONSTRUCTION performs every installation of photovoltaic plants with full responsibility and seriousness. To offer you a service as most optimally any workgroup installation is supervised by engineers tane. SAT CONSTRUCTION responds to you at any time for any problem that your system may have.

